Artificial Intelligence for Neural Engineering (AINE) Section

Chair: Nadia Mammone
Email: [email protected]

BoG Liaison to AINE Section: Francesco Carlo Morabito
Email: [email protected] 

The International Neural Network Society (INNS) is committed to advancing the fields of neural networks and related areas. Recognizing the rapid developments in neural engineering, this proposal aims to establish a Special INNS Section on “Artificial Intelligence for Neural Engineering” (AINE Section). Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to revolutionize neural engineering by providing advanced tools for interpreting, analyzing, and interacting with neural systems. The AINE Section will serve as a hub for researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to collaborate, share knowledge, and drive progress in this transformative field.

Join the AINE Section


The AINE Section aims to:

1. Enhance Collaboration: Foster a dynamic platform for stakeholders across academia, industry, and healthcare to collaborate on AI in neural engineering projects.
2. Promote Research Excellence: Drive forward high-impact research on neural engineering, with a focus on pioneering AI applications across a broad spectrum of neural technologies.
3. Strengthen Industry Links: Bridge the gap between research and real-world applications through active engagement with industry partners.
4. Support Education: Provide comprehensive educational resources, training programs, and workshops to cultivate expertise in neural engineering and AI.
5. Disseminate Knowledge: Actively share research findings, technological advancements, and best practices through conferences, webinars, and publications.


The AINE Section will promote and support the development and application of AI models across various aspects of neural engineering. The section's scope includes:

1. Neural Signal Processing: Development of advanced AI-based methodologies for capturing, interpreting, and using neural signals across various applications, including diagnostics and neural interfacing.
2. Neuroprosthetics: AI-enhanced development of prosthetic devices that interact with the nervous system to restore motor or sensory functions.
3. Neural Interfaces: Innovations in AI-driven systems that enable communication between neural systems and external devices, extending beyond traditional Brain Computer Interfaces to include a wide array of neural interface technologies.
4. Cognitive Neuroscience: Application of AI to understand and model neural mechanisms underlying cognitive functions and complex neural systems.
5. Clinical Applications: AI-enabled deployment of neural engineering solutions in medical settings for more effective diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of neurological conditions.


The AINE Section will undertake various activities to meet its objectives:

1. Regular Section Meetings: Regularly scheduled meetings and online discussion forums to discuss progress, share updates, and plan future initiatives.
2. Workshops and Training Programs: Organize hands-on workshops and training sessions to enhance technical skills and knowledge in neural engineering.
3. Webinars and Online Discussions: Host webinars featuring leading experts to discuss emerging trends and developments in AI and neural engineering.
4. Collaborative Research Projects: Facilitate multi-institutional research projects to drive innovation and practical applications of AI in neural engineering.
5. Publications and Special Issues: Contribute to journals with special issues focused on neural engineering and encourage members to publish their findings.


AINE Section will be governed by an executive committee consisting of:

  • Chair: Prof. Nadia Mammone, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria (Italy)
  • Co-Chair: Prof. Tanaka, TUAT University, Tokyo (To be confirmed)
  • Vice-Chair: Prof. Francesco Carlo Morabito, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria (Italy)


Membership will be open to all INNS members interested in AI for Neural Engineering and Brain Computer Interfaces.

How to join?

Here’s the link to the membership application form:

Section Membership Application