Robert Kozma

College of Fellows Chair

University of Memphis, TN, USA


ROBERT KOZMA (Fellow INNS, Fellow IEEE) is First Tennessee University Professor of Applied Mathematics, Director of Center for Large-Scale Intelligent Optimization and Networks (CLION), at the University of Memphis, TN, USA. He has over 30 years of research experience in the design, analysis, and control of cognitive and intelligent systems. His research focuses on the development of robust decision support systems based on neural networks and spatio-temporal neurodynamics, using tools of random graphs and network theory (neuropercolation). Application areas include distribution and logistic networks, sensor networks, cognitive and brain networks, brain-computer interfaces, man-machine systems, autonomous robotics, and other hardware embodiments. Dr. Kozma has published 7 books and over 250 articles in international journals and peer-reviewed proceedings; author of 3 patent disclosures.

Dr. Kozma's research has been funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), DARPA, NASA, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Research Council, FedEx Corporation, and other agencies in total of over $5M. He holds PhD (Physics, Delft, The Netherlands, 1992), 2 MSc degrees (Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, 1988; Power Engineering, Moscow, Russia, 1982). He has been Associate Professor at the Department of Quantum Science & Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (1993-1996), and Lecturer with the Department of Information Sciences, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand (1996-1998). He has been with the University of California at Berkeley (1998-2000), where he had a joint appointment with the Division of Neurobiology and the EECS Department. He has held visiting positions at NASA/JPL Robotics Lab, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Air Force Research Lab/WPAFB, and Sarnoff Co., Princeton, NJ, US. Dr. Kozma is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, including Gabor Award by INNS (2011), National Research Council Senior Fellow (2006-2008), and the Alumni Association Distinguished Research Achievement Award (2010) by the University of Memphis. He is Associate Editor of Neural Networks, Cognitive Systems Research, Neurocomputing, and Cognitive Neurodynamics.

Dr. Kozma has served INNS in a variety of roles: He has been on the Board of Governors for two consecutive terms (2007-2009 and 2010-2012), Chaired the INNS Special Interest Groups Committee (SIGCOM, 2005-2008), has been Co-Editor-in-Chief of the INNS/ENNS/JNNS Tri-Society Newsletter with H. Szu and S-Y. Lee (2006-2008), Associate Editor of Neural Networks (2008-Present). He has been Program Co-Chair of IJCNN2004 (Budapest, Hungary), IJCNN2008 (Hong Kong), IJCNN2012 (Brisbane, Australia), and General Chair of IJCNN2009 (Atlanta, USA). He has been active also in the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, serving on the Advisory Committee AdCom (2009-2012), Chairing the Distinguished Lecturer Program (2010-2011), Chair of University Curriculum Committee (2012-2013). He has been on the PC of various conferences, including as Financial Chair of WCCI2006 (Vancouver, Canada) and SSCI2013 (Singapore), and as Tutorial Chair of WCCI2014 (Beijing, China). In addition, he served on the Technical Committee of over 30 international conferences.