Why Join INNS?

Benefit HighlightsMembership Types

Awards ProgramWays You Can Contribute 

The International Neural Network Society (INNS) is a world-leading scientific organization for research on modeling of behavioral and brain processes and the application of neural modeling ideas to problems and applications in technology, computational neuroscience and related areas. 

  • Be part of the community that explores the human brain/mind and related applications.

  • Learn about breakthroughs in the understanding of artificial and biological neural networks.

  • Discover techniques for the application of neurocomputing in your area of expertise.

  • Meet others who share your professional and scientific interests through INNS organized/sponsored activities such as the flagship conference in neural networks - International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), held in conjunction with WCCI every other year.

  • Stay on the cutting edge of developments in this dynamic field.

  • Save the cost of membership many times over through publication and conference discounts.

Becoming a Member is Easy!

Click here to apply!
Please note: all membership fees are non-refundable.

Benefit Highlights

Educational Opportunities

  • An online subscription of the Neural Networks Journal
  • Discounts on scientific publications and periodicals pertaining to neural networks

Networking Opportunities

  • Participate with discounted registration fees in the largest and most widely known international meetings on neural networks and other events sponsored by the INNS
  • Access to the Member Directory–Members have access to the prominent professionals in the field. Our members opt in to this directory thus providing their contact information to other members of INNS.

Leadership Opportunities

  • Organization of Special Interest Groups or Topical Sections focused on specific theoretical issues or applications, as well as Regional Chapters
  • Members are encouraged to become involved in INNS by organizing INNS-sponsored events, serving on committees, presenting at INNS-sponsored conferences, and submitting articles to our journal.
  • Voting Rights–all INNS members are eligible to run for office and have equal privileges of voice and vote.

Discount Opportunities

  • 50% discount on Neural Networks Journal open access article processing charges (25% discount from Elsevier, 25% reimbursement from INNS)

Membership Types

  • Regular Member: Persons with an interest in the field of neural networks or related areas.
  • Student Member: Persons enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program associated to neural networks and related areas.
  • Enthusiast Member: Persons enrolled in high school programs with an interest in learning about neural networks and related areas. 
  • Affiliate Member: Persons who belong to either ENNS or JNNS (Affiliate Members do not receive the Neural Networks journal).
  • Senior Member: INNS members can be elected to this status, based on length of membership in INNS and contributions to the Society.
  • College of Fellows: INNS members can be elected to this status, based on length of membership in INNS, contributions to the Society, and contributions to the field of neural networks.
  • Emerging Region Regular Member: Persons with an interest in the field of neural networks or related areas who live or work in India or Morocco.
  • Emerging Region Student Member: Persons enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program associated to neural networks and related areas who are studying in India or Morocco

Awards Program

The International Neural Network Society’s Awards Program was established to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the field of Neural Networks. Up to three awards (The Hebb, The Helmholtz, and The Gabor Award), at most one in each category, are presented annually to highly accomplished researchers for outstanding contributions made in the field of Neural Networks. Up to two awards are presented annually in the Young Investigator category.

Awards include:

• The Hebb Award - recognizes achievement in biological learning

• The Helmholtz Award - recognizes achievement in sensation/perception
• The Gabor Award - recognizes achievement in engineering/ application
• Young Investigator Award - recognizes young researchers with significant contributions in the field of Neural Networks

Ways You Can Contribute

INNS is a non-profit professional organization organized by volunteers. You may provide your expertise:

• Organize special sessions, workshops, tutorials, etc. at INNS-sponsored conferences and events.
• Submit your best work to INNS-sponsored conferences and journals.
• Donate your social media expertise to help INNS manage the website and related social media sites.
• Encourage others to join INNS!

For more information, contact VP for Membership, Seiichi Ozawa at [email protected].