Petia Georgieva

Governor-at-Large (2024-2026)

University of Aveiro Porto, Portugal 

Topics of Research: machine learning and deep learning algorithms, data mining with a strong application focus on medical imaging, robotics, optical and wireless communications, brain-computer interfaces

Petia Georgieva is a Professor with habilitation (DSc) of Machine Learning in the Department of Electronics Telecommunications and Informatics (DETI) at the University of Aveiro, Portugal and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Electronics Engineering and Telematics of Aveiro (IEETA), Portugal. Since 2019 she has also been a collaborator member of the Institute of Telecommunications, polo Aveiro. Previously she had academic positions with the University of Porto (2001-2003, Portugal) and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, (Bulgaria, 1996-2001). She has held research visiting positions with Rowan University (USA, 2016), Carnegie Mellon University (2012, 2019, USA), University of Lancaster (2011, UK), and University of Arkansas at Little Rock (USA, 2010). P. Georgieva holds Master and Ph.D. degrees in Control System Engineering from the Technical University of Sofia (TUS) and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal in 2003.

P. Georgieva authored over 150 articles in international journals and peer-reviewed proceedings. Her research work was awarded Best Poster at the 3rd Statistics of Health Decision Making Meeting, Portugal (2021) and Best Paper at the 10th IEEE Int Conf on Intelligent Systems, Bulgaria (2020). Dr. Georgieva is a Senior member of IEEE (2010) and a Senior Member of the International Neural Network Society (INNS, 2007). She was the head of the Signal Processing Lab in the research centre IEETA (2009-2013); a member of the Executive Committee of the European Neural Network Society (2014-2016); a member of the IEEE Working Group on ICT (2016-2018); Member of Council of Contributors, Citizens for Bulgaria (C4BG). Since 2010 she has been an EU expert and evaluator for several research calls and running projects from FP7, H2020, and Horizon Europe programs of the European Commission.