Artificial Intelligence for Critical Infrastructure (AICI) Section

Chair: G. Kumar Venayagamoorthy
Email: [email protected]

The International Neural Network Society (INNS) is a leading organization dedicated to the advancement of Neural Networks and related fields. The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modelling, control and optimization of complex systems has created a significant need for a platform where researchers, practitioners, and industry experts can collaborate and share knowledge, in order to drive progress, advance research and explore the vast potential of AI in the critical infrastructure sector.

The Section on Artificial Intelligence for Critical Infrastructure (AICI-Section) within the INNS, aims to foster a community centered around the leadership role of INNS in neural networks and emerging learning systems. By bringing together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts, the aim of the AICI Section is to facilitate driving progress and advancements in research, and to foster the development of AI solutions that transform the critical infrastructure sector.

Join the AICI Section


  1. Cultivate Synergy: Provide a platform for researchers, industry experts, and enthusiasts to cultivate a synergy, collaborate, share knowledge, and exchange ideas and resources on the application of AI in Critical Infrastructure.
  2. Advance Research: Promote and support research in AI for Critical Infrastructure, focusing on cutting-edge tools and methodologies that can improve operation and management of critical infrastructures.
  3. Collaboration and Engagement with Industry: Facilitate dialogue and collaboration between academia and industry to ensure that AI solutions are effective and address real-world Critical Infrastructure challenges.
  4. Provide Education and training: Offer educational resources, workshops, and training programs to enhance the skills of professionals in AI for Critical Infrastructure.
  5. Future Workforce Development: Attract young talents and train across a range of fields and inspire the next generation of researchers to enter the Critical Infrastructure workforce.
  6. Knowledge Dissemination: Organize webinars, panels, conferences and special issues of journals to disseminate research findings, best practices, and industry insights to the broader community interested in AI for Critical Infrastructure.


The AICI Section will focus on developing and applying AI techniques to improve Critical Infrastructure research, education and innovation for development, operations, and management, specifically focused on:

  1. AI for modelling: Modeling critical infrastructure systems such as electric power systems is a challenging task. Data sharing in data-driven model development is of concern due to data transfer and privacy. Trustworthy federated learning and other learning methods are to be explored.
  2. AI for control and operations: Control and operations of critical infrastructure systems under different scenarios/conditions involves complex decision-making and nonlinear policies. AI will be needed for fast and efficient controls and operation management.
  3. AI for optimization: Critical infrastructure are complex systems, involving many reference/set points and control variables. Determining the optimal setpoints and control variables is a multi-objective dynamic optimization problem that needs to solved offline and online.


The activities of the Artificial Intelligence for Critical Infrastructure Section will involve:

  1. Regular section meetings: At least a six-monthly Section meetings or online discussions will be held to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among Section members.
  2. Workshops and conferences: Regular webinars, online mini-panels or online workshops will be organised at least once a year. The AICI Section will also organise special sessions in international conferences.
  3. Industrial involvement: Engage with the relevant stakeholders and industries to secure their support for the INNS Artificial Intelligence for Critical Infrastructure Section.
  4. Publication and dissemination: Special Issues of international journals and industry panels in conferences and online platforms.
  5. Education and training: Develop and offer training programs, online courses, and certification schemes for professionals and students in AI for Critical Infrastructure.


The AI for Critical Infrastructure Section will be governed by an executive committee consisting of:

  1. Chair: Professor G Kumar Venayagamoorthy (Clemson University, USA) responsible for overall strategy and direction.
  2. Vice-Chairs: Dr. Ahmed Saber (ETAP) and one more TBA.
  3. Technical Coordinators: Dr. Mark Podolskij (Luxembourg), Dr. Joey Zhou (Singapore) and more TBAs.
  4. Industry Liaison: Professor G Kumar Venayagamoorthy (Clemson University, USA).
  5. Advisory Board: Dr. Junbin Gao (Australia), Professor Massoud Amin (USA), Dr. Luke Gosink (USA), Mr. Achalesh Pandey (USA) and more TBAs.


Membership will be open to all INNS members interested in AI for Critical Infrastructure.

How to join?

Here’s the link to the membership application form:

Section Membership Application